As the youngest child and only daughter of a very mechanically minded Father, Dad and I bonded over car engines and power station boilers rather than barbie dolls and tea parties. This led to a life- long fascination in the way something running well can ‘hum’ – a beautiful noise combining the sounds of well-functioning machinery and skilled operators.

I was led to laundries when I became aware of an innovative project happening in Toowoomba – a commercial facility purpose-built as a social enterprise to assist those with a lived experience of mental illness find their way into the paid workforce, sometimes for the first time ever. This concept excited me, and I was privileged from start up to be part of its incredible growth-journey. Unexpectedly though, while this concept fed my ‘social heart’, I accidently fell in love with the fast- paced production environment of a commercial laundry. The combination of machines and people was the perfect fit, and I knew that this was an industry I wanted to grow with.

Today, I am honoured to represent Sunfresh Linen, an exceptional family business, as their Chief Executive Officer. My time with Sunfresh has been not without challenges, including navigating a pandemic which brought our hospitality industry to a standstill. Post-Covid life has seen the sector experience different pressures: extreme increases in basic input costs, economic instability, a demand for environmental sustainability, staffing challenges and a changed customer demand. It is imperative that we retain an agile mindset; willing to embrace new technology and work in a cooperative and collaborative way as a sector to ensure a critical industry survives and thrives.

Like most women, I wear many hats. I’m a Mum, Wife, Daughter, Sister, Boss, Friend, Colleague and Citizen. I feel strongly about supporting women to thrive in environments in which they have traditionally been underrepresented, encouraging them to embrace their intelligence and aptitude, and flourish in a dynamic industry.

My goal is to continue to provide strong leadership for Sunfresh, while contributing to and advocating for an industry I am passionate about. However, at heart, I’m the same country girl, barefoot and outside at every opportunity. I just happen to have become a laundry nerd somewhere along the way.