Bundle IQ is a comprehensive cloud-scale solution that utilises Amazon’s business intelligence systems ability to pull data from many systems into one platform, and present this as a report and dashboards in a format that you specify. This delivers actionable data-driven insights to improve decision-making processes that facilitate a smoother textile management process. Let’s explore how this solution improves your operations.

  1. Comprehensive reporting and dashboard capabilities

Bundle IQ uses the extensive reporting and dashboard capabilities of Amazon business intelligence solution to deliver easy-to-understand insights to your team, wherever they may be. Bundle IQ connects your data in the cloud and combines data from many different sources into a single data dashboard. Bundle IQ gives decision-makers the opportunity to explore and interpret information in a secure, interactive visual environment from any device on your network and from mobile devices.

  • Highly customisable to deliver what you want to see

After more than 20 years of building 100’s of reports to cover many customer requests for data insights we can now deliver the ultimate customisable reporting and dashboarding tool to give everyone what they want, and more! Every business is different, and every manager wants to see their data in a different way so with Bundle IQ we can deliver the data in the format you want from many different data sources. From measuring the productivity of operators, to producing dashboards to plan production and to show where your inventory is sitting, and all with a financial prospective at your fingertips.

  • Reporting from across many data sources

Bundle IQ allows you to pull data from data sources (AWS data, Azure data, big data, spreadsheet data, SaaS data, B2B data), and presents this as reports and dashboards in a format that you specify. Imagine being able to take demand data (customer orders, delivery times), productions data (operator and equipment performance), inventory availability (rfid confirmed) and producing a contingent production plan showing operator requirements, equipment utilisation, inventory levels and delivery schedules, all on a single dashboard that allows you to drill into details to confirm and change assumptions.

  • Instant and ongoing ROI

Think about the amount of time that you and your team spend on data manipulation and reporting, or the information you need to see but just can’t get the data to ‘line-up’, or the decisions that need to be made now but you won’t have the information until the next day, or having your team looking at their own spreadsheets which don’t match what you are seeing. These are all costs to your business that can be eliminated, or at least significantly reduced, with a timely and actionable business intelligence tool.  – Bundle IQ

Delivers actionable data-driven insights to improve decision-making processes with Bundle IQ

Bundle IQ provides actionable insights for decision-makers to improve overall laundry management. Schedule a consultation with Bundle Laundry’s experts to eliminate productivity issues and inefficiencies and improve the ROI of your business.